Tips for Selling Spirit Wear for Winter Sports

Winter youth and school sports are in full swing including basketball, cheerleading,  ice hockey, wrestling, swimming & diving and bowling here in Ohio.   Now is the time to cheer those athletes to victory with spirit wear.

What is Spirit Wear

Spirit Wear will be a popular, profitable niche for any t-shirt business.    Spirit Wear includes hoodies, t-shirts, polo shirts, and caps for the athletes, their families and classmates.

Set up a pop-up shop at the athletic events.   Or use Spirit Sale to have an online store and use Facebook and other social media to promote.

Creating the Art

Art creation is easy for spirit wear.     Start in Easy View, your free online design center.    Try one of our layouts.   We have 286 basketball layouts, 183 cheerleading layouts, 148 hockey layouts, 77 Swimming and Diving and 82 Wrestling layouts.   All these layouts are customizable templates that you can customize in a couple of clicks—changing text, clip art, colors and size.

Let’s take a look at a design created in Easy View, the online designer using layout QBK-286

  1. Change the text
  2. Replace the Eagle with the panther clip art
  3. Change the colors to the purple/gold school colors
  4. Mock-up on apparel
  5. Download
  6. Load onto social, email or spirit sale

Running the Sale

You can make an estimate on what you will sell and order the  custom transfer as needed.    But more profitable is to have an end date with a deadline for orders.   Then order what you need with a few extra using price breaks and the wholesale apparel.    Custom transfers take just second to  heat press so in no time your spirit wear will be ready for delivery.


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