New Martial Arts and MMA Layout and Clip Art for Custom T-shirt Desgin
Whenever we ask our customers what they would like to see added to Easy View® online t-shirt designer, expanded martial arts selection usually comes up. So we’ve incorporated several MA disciplines into our weekly art release theme. Keep the suggestions coming – we love to know what artwork can help you grow your business.
Layout QMS-135 can easily be customized for any type of Karate studio, from youth to adult.
The clip art featured in this layout is a tiger cub and Karate kanji meaning ‘Empty Hand Way’.
Our other new martial arts additions are a kicker, two fighters, and an obi belt.
MMA is a practice growing in popularity and we’ve had specific requests for clip art. Now we have an octagon cage, punching fist (which can be separated from the background hole and used alone), a fighter with arms raised, MMA gloves and female wrestlers.
You can use the new clip art in any of our custom t-shirt templates to create your own designs in Easy View®. Or make our own t-shirt design with the clip art by adding text.
Happy designing!