Heat Printing Educational Tools
1. Webinars:
These in depth online classes cover a topic extensively using slides and audio. A new topic is explored each month. Some recent topics included Starting Your Own T-Shirt Line, Selling Custom Apparel to Niche Markets, and How to Use Easy View to design shirts for free. These are held the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 EST and are free. Seeing them live is best since there is an interactive conversation with the presenter as well as with others attending, but they are also recorded for viewing at any time. Register each month so you don’t miss one!
2. Blogs:
These are a paragraph or two updating you on products, application tips, printing and selling ideas. Videos and photos are included when possible. Recent topics have included 5 Best Selling Spirit Wear Selling Ideas, Finding Design Sizes and Transfer Placement, Printing School Uniforms, A History of the T-Shirt and 3 Idea Resources for Your T-shirt. An archive of all blogs is searchable. Subscribe to the series so you don’t miss a new topic.

Subscribe to our blog for all the tips, tricks, and information on heat printing with custom screen printed transfers.
3. Videos:
We have our own YouTube channel filled with hundreds of videos showing you how to apply custom transfers and showing application tips. We also have an entire series on how to use Easy View, our online designer, to design your custom shirts. You can find these on our site under the Help & Education tab or on the Transfer Express YouTube channel.

Watch over 140 videos showing application tips and tricks, product demos, Easy View training and more!
4. Pinterest:
This visual tool is a great way to show customers custom printing ideas. The pinner’s board name Is Easy Prints, so our company name is protected from your customer. Some of the boards are school spirit wear, cheerleading apparel, soccer team wear, volleyball apparel and football clothing ideas. All of the boards link back to the link site, Easy Prints, again shown without our name. Follow us on Pinterest and use the photos on your own idea boards!
We have a Transfer Express Pinterest page as well!
5. Twitter:
The best thing about Twitter is that it is short and sweet! So if you like getting your information, the same tips discussed on other social media is included here!
6. Facebook:
This social media type is a page that includes all of the Stahls’ companies. We currently post custom transfer ideas on Monday and customers often share their own ideas as well.
We have a Transfer Express Facebook page as well!
7. Instagram:
A picture is worth a thousand words and Instagram is a great way to scroll through pictures to see if it is an idea you can sell! This visual-centric social network is perfect to use as a visual library of ideas.
8. Tools:
We have also added an entire tools page to help you figure costs and make ordering easier. These include tools such as the gang sheet calculator to let you know how many images will fit on a sheet, Idea Book™ Bonus Pages with a clip art index, an alphabetized list of fonts, distress printable pages, and an image resizer to help you resize images proportionately.
9. Application Instructions:
The key to success in heat printing is using the correct instructions for your job. We provide easy to ready educational instructions with every order and have them available online.
10. Business Start Up:
If you are just getting started, we have dedicated a special area of the website just for you. We teach you what you need to know to start, provide a list of wholesale suppliers, and have a pricing formula.