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Heat Transfers – Changing Perceptions

When marketing or promoting your product your customer may have a different idea of what that product is just by what it is called. When some people hear “heat transfers” or “heat press” they immediately think of a past experience and it may not always be positive. They may be referring to a time when heat transfers were heavy and cracked after washing. Today’s heat transfers are much more durable, offer great quality and a soft hand.



The best way to beat the negative connotation of the terms used is to change them. Instead of telling customers you use “heat transfers” simply call yourself a “custom printer”. Using this term covers a wide range printing solutions. Or invent your own name to refer to a product. Use a term that identifies the product in a creative way.
You can also just call certain products personalization, custom imprints, team gear, etc. Describe your products a solution to your customers needs.
If your customer has their own ideas of how they want their garment printed such as screen printing, well you’re in luck because screen printed plastisol transfers are just that, screen printed. Not only do you not have to use the term “transfer” you are not giving your customer a false term for your solutions. By using plastisol transfers you are in fact screen printing without the equipment and learning curve. At Stahls’ Transfer Express we screen print the design onto the release paper, just as a screen printer would screen print the design to a shirt. It is just applied to a different medium. It is the same ink, the same quality, the same durability, the same process all together. If it is in fact the same and gives the same quality you can call it “screen printed” or use a phrase such as “the advanced way to screen print”.
It is important to use terms that promote a positive image for your product. Always use the positive features and benefits approach for selling your products. Always have samples on hand so your customer can touch and feel the product. This way you are selling the solution to their needs and the customer leaves happy with their quality garment and no negative perceptions.