How to Promote with Facebook, Twitter, & More
Do you have a personal Facebook page? How about one for your business? Creating a Facebook business page is a great first step to getting your business involved in social media. Why get involved in social media? To reach more people and interact with your customers.
Social media includes any internet platform where you create content and interact with other people, for your business, this interaction would be with your customers. Some popular social media websites include Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Though social media does require some time for upkeep, the interaction that you can get with your customers and the extended reach for new potential customers makes this promotional option worth the time.
When using social media; make sure that you are sending the right message and sending it to the right audience. One great way to get your post shown to the right audience is to use hashtags. If you are a promotional products business, use relevant hashtags such as #promoproducts, #promoteyourbusiness, and #customtshirts when creating a new post.
Keep in mind that each social platform operates differently and you will need to change your writing style for each. The images throughout this article show how we write our posts for Instagram, the Easy Prints Pinterest page, and Google+. Notice that even though the same person writes for all three social platforms, the writing style is a little different for each. For example, there are a lot more hashtags used in Instagram, because the search engine for this app searches for relevant posts using hashtags. The posts for Pinterest and Google+ have a lot fewer hastags, but it is important to make sure that they have relevant keywords to help the post show up in search results; keywords can include such words as baseball, hoodie, banner, and team.
Experiment with your writing style and test what works. When we first started writing for the Easy Prints Pinterest page, the writing style looked a little different. It changed a few times before becoming the style that you see on the page today. We stick with this writing style because it has increased exposure of the pins the most by providing the greatest amount of repins.
If you plan to create a Pinterest page for your business, the Easy Prints Pinterest page is a great resource! We intentionally branded this page for Easy Prints instead of Transfer Express; this allows you to share our pins without showing your customers that the image was originally from Transfer Express. The Easy Prints brand itself is a great resource because it allows you to take credit for our designs or you can even choose to tell your customers that you can sell them anything from Easy Prints; showing them that you have an expanded inventory.
We use social media to keep in touch with our customers and to provide insight into what is happening with our company. If there are any current coupons, deals, or events, you will see them on our social media sites. Check out each of our social media pages with the links below!
Transfer Express
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Easy Prints