Anatomy and Health Clip Art for T-shirt Designs with Guts!
Throughout the year, we keep track of all the clip art suggestions we get from our customers. It’s so elnlightening to find out what type of Easy Prints artwork will help our customers grow their business. A few customers recently suggested internal organs. Since we do our best to group new art releases into themes, this week we went with anatomy and health clip art… and all the while thinking about Slim Goodbody, if anyone remembers him!
Our new art includes two sets of lungs, organs of the torso, anatomical brain, kidneys, and a healthy running heart.
Use this new anatomy and health clip art for awareness, nursing/medial professions and school designs. Whether for a specific heath-related cause or an event, you can create a unique design for your client. We have also seen a trend of t-shirts with just the anatomical organs printed on them- do a quick search for these kinds of shirts online for inspiration. A different and heartwarming design idea we have seen is shirts for kidney doners and recipients. (If you’re are wondering why we didn’t include an anatomical heart, it’s because we already had one! X17B-113)
Looking for more medical artwork? Just last year we added some updated designs- check them out here! And remember, we are adding new artwork each week, based on your suggesions and feedback. So let us know via Facebook or email us at what designs you would like to see in Easy View online designer so you can save money with Easy Prints.
Stay healthy!