Breaking Apart Clip Art in Easy View
Have you wanted to use only part of one of our clip arts? Or maybe break it down to add a certain color to one part of the art? This is easy to do!
In Easy View, select the clip art and add to the art board (this is clip art x9a-61)
Rope the image (use the left click on your mouse and bring it around the image)
Under the object tab, select ungroup
Remove what is not needed, here we removed one bottle
Repeat process (rope, ungroup) to add colors to specific places
Some clip art allows more break down than others so just use the tool to get what is needed. We will also be working to improve this feature for all clip art.
Here is an example where we used only the antlers from clip art X2D-22

Use the clip art pieces you have un grouped and add them to other pieces of art to create a custom design.