Creating A Baseball Road Trip Vacation T-Shirt

Summer is the time for vacations, and there is no better souvenir than a t-shirt. Each time you wear the vacation t-shirt it gives you happy memories and others ask you about all that you did.

Hitting the Road

Our family has been doing a baseball road trip that started 20 years ago. Each year we visit a Major League Baseball ballpark and enjoy all there is to do in that city. We try to see our favorite team, the Cleveland Indians, in action against the host team, but have “counted” a few with two other teams in action. Our first trip was to Chicago and we saw Sammy Sosa as a Chicago Cub up to our latest trip to St. Louis to see a rare pairing between the Tribe and the Cards. One year we even got to see an All-Star game in Milwaukee, the infamous game that ended in a tie.

We have enjoyed each trip and love meeting baseball fans. We have also realized we are far from the only ones who have taken this baseball challenge. To commemorate this trek, I used Easy View, our online designer, to create a souvenir t-shirt.

Our Baseball Vacation T-Shirt

Here is how I designed the t-shirt in Easy View:

  1. Start with baseball layout QBA-287. I just took the script and tail from this layout and deleted the rest.
  2. Add the United States clip art x17a-995.
  3. Added 30 baseballs (one for each Major League Baseball city) x15a-302.
  4. Positioned each baseball where each ballpark is located.

Once finished with the design, I ordered 10 transfers to make everyone a t-shirt and sweatshirt. Since it was a dark ink going on my light shirt, I used Hot Split transfers. Hot Split transfers require an accurate time, temperature and pressure and are our softest transfer since they do not have an added adhesive. Set your heat press at 365 for 10 seconds, and press!

Someone on our team had a great suggestion to only add a ball once we had visited that ballpark. To do this you would just put the 30 baseballs at the bottom of your gang sheet, and apply as needed.

If you like the one I did, we can also order as is. The minimum order is 6 and you can choose any ink color. The reorder number is B00517-0330. You can give us a call or email to order. The transfer is 11” wide x 9.72” tall. Or create your own and add your family name!

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