Creating Custom T-Shirts for Spring Sports Banquets
As the high school sport session ends, many schools have sports banquets and present awards to its participants. Custom t-shirts are a perfect choice for those awards.
Use Easy View to create an idea for the entire team. For those that obtained greater goals, you can use name drops to reward their special accomplishments. This way you get the price advantage of printing the larger order, but also the special customization for those who earned it. This customization can be done one of two ways. The first is to add the accomplishment name drops to the custom transfer gang sheet. Usually there is room for three or four extra lines as we have shown on the example below.

State Qualifier Custom T-shirt

District Champions Custom T-shirts

Easy View Layout with Name drops
A second way to add the extra recognition is using Express Names. Express Names are sold individually in a choice of five fonts. You can add a straight name to the bottom of the shirt, or a vertical name to the side of the front print, or if offering a long sleeve t-shirt or hoodie, use a vertical name.
For your track teams, some of the special name drops used might be a state qualifier, district champion or list the event such as Long Jump Record Setter. For the baseball or softball team you might have individuals that obtained Player of the week honors, or Home Run Leader. For the lacrosse team, you might have a conference all-star to recognize. With Express Names, you can make every shirt different at a low cost using your heat press.