Custom Printed Transfers for Organizations

Layout: QCL-30

Layout: QCL-30

Looking to do custom printed tshirts for your local 4-H Club, Boy Scouts or American Legion?   It is no problem with Easy Prints® custom transfers.   We have a large collection of organization logos that can be used in Easy Prints® layouts.  Although copyright use prevents us from showing them online, these logos are available for your use at Easy Prints® pricing.  All you need is a letter of permission from the organization.  Organizations artwork that is available include: AFL-CIO, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Legion, Amvets, Boy Scouts, Big Brothers/Big Sister, Boys & Girls Club, Cancer Society, Cub Scouts, CYO, Easter Seals, Electrical Workers, Elks, Future Farmers, Girl Scouts, Jolly Sam, Junior Achievement, Key Club, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Lions International, Little League, March of Dimes,  Masons, NAACP,  National Honor Society, Optimists, Order of Moose, POW/MIA and Rotary International.

Nicole Heyer

Do you have the logo for Sons of American Legion?

Dealer Services

We can print most logos with the correct permission or licensing. We would need a fax or image uploaded to verify what version of the logo you need. There are lots a variations of logos out there.

Paul Beseler

Assuming one has the authorization form, how much would 500 one inch iron on American Legion logos cost? I assume that cost would be the same or similar for the same size and quantity of VFW iron on logos?

Dealer Services

Please send us your artwork at or call 1-800-622-2280 for an accurate quote.

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