Decorate Shirts for Indy Racing Using Easy View®
One of the most prestigious motorsports events in the world is the race in Indianapolis. Hundreds of thousands show up to watch this event and millions watch on TV making it a prime sporting event for t-shirt decorators.
As a decorator, it’s important to cater to fans who are wanting to wear apparel highlighting this famous sporting event. For customers attending the race itself to everyone else around the country hosting Indy Parties, you can create unique designs on your computer with just a few clicks of the mouse. Using the words Indy or Indianapolis with checker flags, tires and other symbols of racing can easily be created using the new Easy View® online designer for a truly unique design.
Here’s a tip for looking for the right racing layout for your Indianapolis race fans, any layout from the Easy Prints® layout collection can be customized to create the perfect design for your customer. Even look in sections where you wouldn’t think you would find a racing layout!
We’ve put together a few designs below using Easy Prints® layouts to get your creative minds working. We’d love to see your Indy race designs, Share them on our Facebook page at