Down on the Farm with New Animal Clip Art and Layouts
We are continuing to get requests from customers each week who need new clip art or a specific t-shirt designs to WOW groups, organizations and businesses around their local community. We have been receiving a lot of requests for clip art of farm animals and livestock to heat press apparel for youth groups like 4-H club as well as general use for farms, stables and even miscellaneous events like county fairs, birthday parties and fundraisers.
We recently updated Easy View to include several new farm animal clip art and a new distressed design layout so that you can create designs to help these groups create shirts for their events.
You can find the new Easy Prints® layout QCL-55 available in the Easy View® Online Designer at to customize for printed t-shirts. This design resembles a vintage farm sign or logo using a heavy distress to create an old, worn look. You can change the text in this layout as well as the clip art centered within the design. Choose any clip art to create a unique design for your customer. In the example below, we customized this design for a local 4-H group and changed the animal clip art that was in the center to the 4-H logo. You can find many Organization logos available in Easy View to customize this design with along with the new farm animal clip art that was just added.

Easy Prints® layout QCL-55 available in the Easy View® Online Designer at
In addition to the large farm animal clip art collection already in Easy View, our customers asked for more detailed animals that can be printed using screen printed transfers like Goof Proof®. So our graphic designers were up for the challenge! We are excited to add a new detailed Pig clip art X2M-213, a Horse X2M-212 a Cow clip art X2M-211 and a Sheep X2M-214.
These clip art can be searched for within Easy View using the clip art number above or in the Clip Art category of Farm Animals and can be used in any layout in Easy View or create your own design from scratch.
See previous clip art of Farm animals and equipment to use for your t-shirt designs here!
Creating apparel is so easy with the Easy Prints layouts! Browse more design layouts and clip art and also sign up with Easy View to start customizing your artwork. Then head over to our site to start your 30-day free trial. Choose any of the layouts or the new one above and start customizing. Once you’re done, order the heat transfers from Transfer Express and heat print them onto your blank apparel!
Connect with us on Facebook to see more ideas and inspiration for heat printing apparel!
Subscribe to our blog for more layouts and clip art being added each week!