New! Build A Cost Saving DTF Gang Sheet

Our DTF (Direct to Film) transfer, UltraColor Max is now available in two cost saving gang sheet sizes with price breaks!    Build your DTF gang sheets and build your profits.  The new DTF Gang sheet can be ordered as low as .04 per square inch.

What Is a Gang Sheet

For those new to transfers, a gang sheet is a transfer sheet built with multiple designs in a defined space.   With the new DTF Gang sheets, your choices are a Small 12 x 22 gang sheet or a Large 24 x 22 gang sheet.  To get the best value, fill the sheet up with as much as possible, spacing with just enough room to cut the images apart.    This can be multiple of the same artwork, the same artwork in different sizes or all completely different artwork.   If you would rather order a single image, you and do that too!    No matter how you order, there is no minimum order.   You can still order just 1.

How To Build your Sheet

Building a DTF gang sheet is easy with your free online designer, Easy View.   To use the gang builder, login to your account at and open the online designer.  Choose the Gang sheet size you want to build.   A dotted line will show on screen showing you the carrier’s edge.

  1. Select upload Art or create Art using add layout, add clip art or add text
  2. Once on the artboard size to your desired size
  3. Upload another piece of art or create more using the same add layout, add clip art or add text. If you want more of the same artwork, under object on the top tool bar, select duplicat
  4. Repeat sizing each on the artboard within the dotted lines until the entire space is filled
  5. Once your sheet is built, note how many of that sheet set up you want to order. You can order just 1 sheet!

UltraColor Max is your best choice for a DTF transfer.   These give you your choice in order methods-single image or gang sheet.    Combine this with no minimums and a hot peel to gain efficiency, UltraColor Max is the total package!

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