Get Twisted with New Celtic Knot Clip Art

When we add new t-shirt artwork each week into Easy View, it’s frequently based on suggestions from our customers. So our clip art and layout is really based on what kinds of t-shirts our end-users are asking for. We strive to provide the artwork you need to grow your business. Using Easy Prints designs keep your transfer costs low and turnaround times fast. This week we worked off a suggestion for Celtic knot clip art. With St. Patrick’s day right around the corner, now is a great time for it!

T-shirts for Irish rock bands inspired our Celtic themed layout, QAL-397. Since customization is the name of our game, though, use it for any Celtic themed event or group. Got your own brand that shows your Celtic pride? Try using this layout as a logo.

Celtic Knot Clip Art T shirt Design

For clip art, we wanted to create versatile pieces for maximum use. Add these as accent pieces or a focal point for your custom Celtic design. We’ve added a knotwork heart, circle and shield.

Celtic Knot Clip Art

Celtic artwork frequently incorporates elements from the natural world, so we’ve added a Tree of Life and knotwork animal head. Although we designed it as a dog, we think it turned out looking a little like a dragon as well, maybe even a cat. So it’s a really versatile clip art!

Celtic Knot Clip Art

More on the decorative side, we created Celtic knot clip art shamrock, corner knot, and swirly background piece which is used in the new layout. Check out some additional Celtic clip art we added last year!

Celtic Knot Clip Art

Use these pieces in any of our thousands of custom t-shirt design templates. Or start from scratch and create your own design. Using Easy Prints artwork, you can create your own custom designs for a lower cost. And because one color Easy Prints ordered by 3 pm ET ship on the next day, you can get your designs fast. Get started today!




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