Heat Printing Backpacks

If you own a heat press, you can not only print t-shirts and spirit wear for schools, but also backpacks.

With a little planning and optimizing the gang sheet advantage, the print is free and these can add profits from your same customers.

If using Spirit Sale or other e-commerce platforms this is a great item to add to your store.



The Best Transfer Type for Backpacks

Just like when printing shirts, the best transfer choice is based on the material of the bag.

Most are 100% polyester. The best custom transfer to print on 100% polyester, if you need 1 or 2 colors, is Elasti Prints.

If you need 3 or more colors, or a full color print, use the UltraColor Soft transfer.

If you do have a nylon backpack, you will need UltraColor Stretch or CAD-PRINTZ Soft Opaque.


Choosing A Backpack to Print

Look for a polyester backpack to reduce printing costs.

We do offer a custom transfer to apply to nylon backpacks, but the printing cost will be more.

Also, find one that has a print area that can be easily printed on.

The perfect type is one with a zippered front pocket. You can simply unzip the pocket and work with the pocket only.

Tips for Printing Backpacks

When printing backpacks the key principle is to get the print area firm and flat. If you have interchangeable platens, finding one the right size so that the zippers and straps are off the platen area is perfect.

But even without special platens, you can still raise the print area using a print perfect pad, or even a foam mouse pad.

With a foam mouse pad, you can cut the pad to fit directly under your print area so that the press area is firm and flat, and the first thing your heat press touches as it comes down to heat print.

These mouse pads are sold by wholesalers for about $1 each and are great to have on hand to help with heat printing. We bought ours from Best Blanks.

Watch the video – we all know a picture, or in this case a video is worth a 1000 words.

This short video will review the concepts we discussed above. Happy heat printing!



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