Leg and Sleeve Application for Heat Transfers
No one said custom transfers for a heat press just have to be put onto the front or back of the shirt. Give your customers different options by showing them that their designs can be put down the leg or on the sleeve. Didn’t know this could be done? Well it is actually quite simple and easy to do with heat transfers using a professional heat press. Not only can custom Easy Prints® layouts be applied to these areas but also try personalizing them using vertical Express Names™.
Here’s how:
Set your press to the specified settings given with your order.
Place the sleeve or leg on the press flat.
Most sleeves and legs have a fold line along the length of the sleeve/leg.
Place the print as close to the edge of that fold as possible and press.
Also, see a video on the application of a sleeve transfer using a Hotronix® Swinger heat press.