Make a Silhouette Clip Art in Easy View®

X15a-169 Baseball clip art

X15a-169 Baseball clip art turned into a silhouette.

Did you know you can expand our Idea Book™ clip art collection by thousands with just a few clicks?
When designing custom transfer art in our Easy View® online designer for different image sizes like left chest and heart it is best to have less detail and a simpler design to make a great print. The best way to do that is to make the clip art a silhouette.

You can turn most clip art in our Idea Book™ into a silhouette very easily.

Here’s how:

1. Select your clip art.
2. Click the “OBJECT” menu in red tool bar
3. Click “UNGROUP”
(Note: Sometimes you may have to ungroup multiple times, depending on how the clip art is built & some complex clip art cannot be ungrouped)
4. Select and delete the pieces you don’t want.
5. You now have a simple silhouette clip art that will print well at all different sizes.


Use the ungroup option to break apart the clip art.

X12b-74 Palm tree

X12b-74 Palm tree simplified into a silhouette

Eagle X2b-6

Easily make a solid eagle in a few clicks x2b-6

X7d-50 Fireman

This one a one has a bunch of extra pieces to delete but works great as a silhouette as well. x7d-50 Fireman


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