Marketing Tips: It’s Fundraising Season
You’ve probably exhausted every sports organization in your city for t-shirt sales. If you’re ready to grow your t-shirt business, looking for organizations that are fundraising is an easy way to expand.
Here are a few ideas of groups you can approach. Be sure to show them the financials of how quickly they can raise money for their cause or event. This will make it a more attractive option than traditional fundraising campaigns.
PTA/PTO – Particularly in elementary schools, the PTA or PTO groups work very closely with the schools to raise funds for things such as 6th grade trips. Many of them turn to candy sales, but let’s face it – not only does it take an awful lot of candy to raise enough funds, it’s incongruent with their message about healthy eating. Try approaching these groups and showing them how quickly a large amount of money can be raised through shirt sales.
High School Club Advisers – High schools have clubs for nearly everything – Chess Club, Friendship Club, French Club…the list goes on and on. If you can get your hands on last year’s yearbook (the front office should be able to help you with this), you’ll quickly be able to figure out who the advisers are for each group. Approach them with the idea of selling shirts to raise money for trips and events. Clubs and groups that have contents (such as Science Olympiad) are particularly good to approach. There are also clubs for entrepreneurship and marketing (typically called DECA – or Distributive Education Clubs of America). Both of these groups tend to run “start your own business” type of activities.
Animal Groups – If there is any type of organization that is always in need of funds, it’s
those who rescue animals. They are often run by volunteers who don’t have as much time to dedicate to the cause as they would like. Show them some clip art in Easy View and show them how easy it would be to create a design that any pet lover would be proud to wear. Steer them away from just putting their logo on the shirt. The key here is to capture the hearts of animal lovers. For instance, a shirt that says, “I like cats more than people” is going to sell better than one with just “ABC Cat Shelter” on it.
Running Events – Organizing running events are all the rage for fundraising.
Take their normal shirt a step further. For instance, many Breast Cancer Awareness events have participants talk about who they are honoring by being in the event. You could use Express Names to have this information put onto a shirt that says, “I’m Running for (Name).”
Church Groups – Many churches do mission trips and need to raise money to participate.
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