New Tennis and Golf T-shirt Designs Ready to Play
Dust off those racquets and clubs- it’s almost time to get into spring tennis and golf season. So we’ve created some new tennis and golf t-shirt designs so you start on promoting these sports for your business. We’ve got the artwork you need, whether you are designing for school teams or recreation leagues.
Tennis teams provide ample opportunities for sales, from uniforms and warm-ups to practice and spirit wear. We created new layout QTS-81 to be more of a team spirit design for practice and warm-ups. Also, customization for any sport is a snap by just swapping out the ball.
Freshen up any of our other tennis t-shirt design templates with some of our new clip art. We specially created some elements which will not only fit into existing layouts, but will also help you build a design from scratch. In addition, we’ve added some updated looks for tennis balls, including a modern and a trendy shatter design.
For the golfers out there, our new layout QGL-64 can serve a few different purposes. Because golf is such a widely played sport outside of a team environment, we created something versitile. Use it for league shirts, logos, hats and towels, in addition to team uniforms. Tournaments and golf outings are another great use for this design.
Looking to change up one of our other golf layouts? Try adding some of our new golf clip art! We’ve added an emblem as seen in the layout plus a golf course logo design. The new golfer silhouettes will work great for leagues, clinics, and training centers. Check out just some of the products we have available to get your creative juices flowing.
It’s easy to use our new tennis and golf t-shirt designs and clip art in Easy View® online designer- do it today!