Recreating Artwork with Easy View

One of the toughest parts of creating a custom shirt is designing or choosing artwork to go on the apparel. A customer may already have artwork they want to use or they may come to you with ideas they found online from Pinterest or a Google search. These design ideas they bring to you can be troubling if you are not a graphic artist. You don’t own expensive graphic art software and you also don’t have an artist to work with. So how can you utilize these artwork ideas for their t-shirts and still make a design unique?

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Drawn image was transformed and created entirely from Scratch using Easy Prints® clip art.


By using Easy Prints® layouts, clip art and text in the Easy View Online Designer, you can easily recreate a similar design to the design you’re customer is requesting. Easy View® is a Free online designer that Transfer Express customers can use to easily design professional artwork. If a pre-designed Easy Prints® layout isn’t already a match to the artwork, you have the option of creating a design from Scratch using clip art and text.

Start from Scratch in Easy View to choose individual clip art and text to recreate a design.

Start from Scratch in Easy View to choose individual clip art and text to recreate a design.

Here are some tips for recreating a look using Easy Prints® layouts, clip art and text in Easy View.

1) Avoid copyrighted text and phrases. If a customer brings you an idea that has copyrighted elements, just explain to them that reproducing copyrighted images is legally a no-no.

2) Don’t expect an exact representation of the customers original artwork. If a customer needs an exact design, such as a company logo, a custom Easy Prints Plus order may be the best solution.

3) Think outside of the box. Re-purpose a clip art that may look like something else. For example, what might be a circle in one design, is a planet in another by just adding an oval clip art around it.

Create new images using individual clip arts.

Create new images using individual clip arts.


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