Creating Text Lists on T-Shirts
Custom designs are great for adding personalization to apparel for teams, schools and organizations.
These custom designs usually include the group name, a city and even a date to add a personalized touch.
Did you know that heat transfers can be made even more personalized than just adding the group name?
Make a shirt completely customized with a class list or roster added to the design.
What is a Class List or Roster Shirt?
Teams, school classes, sponsors and other groups can get their entire list of names printed on shirts.
We call these designs Class Lists and Rosters.
Any design layout that involves a list of names or text we classify as a typeset design.
A typeset design basically means the arrangement of text from a data list to be used for printing.
Text lists can easily be added to a design without the need to type each individual name or adjust the sizing or spacing, which reduces the chance of error in spelling, placement or missing a name.
Within the Easy Prints® collection of design layouts, you have many choices of typesetting layouts for anything from class lists, team rosters, sponsors, theater plays, family reunions and other groups.

Examples of typesetting designs that can be customized in Easy View online designer with a .txt file.
There are several ways to provide the list of names or teams you want printed in your design.
These typesetting lists can also be imported and customized right in Easy View®, our free online transfer designer.
Within the designer, you can type the names individually yourself, or upload a text list to automatically insert into the design.
This short video shows how easy it is to make a class list design in Easy View.
You may have already received the list of names from your customer, which is great. If you haven’t received a list of pre-typed names, you may want to type them up.
Whether you typed the list yourself or your customer gave it to you, make sure to proof the list to make sure there are no errors.
Typesetting fees may apply if you do not set up your list correctly. To avoid a typesetting fee, be sure to follow the instructions below.
How to Set Up Your List of Names
If you will be sending us your list of names instead of importing your list into Easy View or typing them yourself into your design, we will need the list of names in a text (.txt) file.
The easiest way to create this type of file is in the Notepad application on a Windows PC or in the Text Editor on a Mac.
All your names need to be in a single column of text, with no formatting marks. Each name will be on its’ own line.
If you are using Easy View to create your Class List or Roster design, this type of list still makes it easy to get all the names in your design.
[Related Content: Tutorial: How to make a .txt file for uploading]
How to Add Your Name List to Your T-Shirt Design
Once you have your list of names typed up correctly in a .txt file, you will want to choose a design layout that you can add your name list to.
There are layouts with different amounts of spaces to add your list of names.
You can either choose a layout that has a similar amount of names as placeholders, or you can customize the layout to meet your specific needs.
When you have chosen your layout, you can upload your list of names that you previously saved as a .txt file.
To import your .txt file of names in Easy View:
- Click on the first column of placeholder text that says NAMES HERE.
- Then click on the Import List (.txt file) button on the left tool bar.
- Click the Browse button to choose your file where you have it saved.
- Make any adjustments to your design so that it looks good to you
Alternatively, you can also type out each name in the text editor in Easy View as well, instead of importing the list. To do this, double click on the column of text to bring up the text editor.
You can either type them in here, or copy and paste the names from your .txt file.
Either way, it is very important that you proof your name list for errors.
You can also add additional columns of text or add a list to a design that does not already contain columns of text.
To add a name list to a design that does not have the pre-made placeholder text columns:
- Simply click on the arrow dropdown menu on the Add Text button on the left toolbar.
- Choose the Add Typesetting Columns option
- You can then import your list or type your list just as you would the pre-made designs with Class Lists.
- You can choose the number of columns you need
- Then adjust your design so that the names fit the space as necessary.
Keep in mind the artwork guidelines when creating and adjusting your design.
The text must meet the show-through and line thickness requirements for printing.
For our screen printed transfers using standard inks, the line thickness for printed areas need to be at least .012” thick while the show-through areas need to be at least .04” thick.
If you are doing any type of event such as a sports tournament, you may be leaving money on the table if you are not offering a shirt with all the participants’ names or team names on it.
For Philip Daly, of Proprintwear, this type of shirt is always a best seller at events.
[Related Content: Creating Name Event Shirts Can Be Big Money Maker]
Now that you know how easy it is to create a name list on a t-shirt, the next time a school, team, or group asks you to create them a design, offer this option for an even more personalized design!
>> Browse the Class List and Roster layouts to see your options.