Online Designer Art Tips
Easy View is a free, easy to use online designer tool that makes the non-artist an artist. With the changeable layout templates created by our professional designers, all you need to do is change the text or swap out a clip art and you have created great looking custom art ready for your customer to proof. You can also underline and add shapes to text and clip art.
There is not a button to underline a word but you can use the line clip art to underline text.
- Choose Add Clip Art
- In Categories, bring up Shapes
- Use the subcategory lines
- Line x19a-123 was added
- Change thickness as needed by unlocking the Lock Aspect Ration
- Grab a triangle around the line and move up or down to get thicker or thinner
Adding Shapes
If you are getting creative and want to put text in a rectangle, or clip art in a circle. This can be done much like our underline above.
- Choose Add Clip Art
- In Categories, bring up shapes
- Use the subcategory circle
- Circle x19a-2 was added
- Use Order to send to back to center on text
If help is needed in Easy View, please email