Printing Ideas for Church Festivals and Vacation Bible School T-Shirts
If you are looking to boost summer T-shirt business sales, your local church is a good potential customer. Churches become very busy in the summer months with festivals, picnics and vacation bible school. Parishioners at these churches want to create a sense of unity and nothing unites a group like custom T-shirts.
The church festival is a big source of revenue at churches and there is a large group of people involved. Approach the festival organizer with the idea of getting matching shirts for the staff volunteering at the festival. Creating a group shirt will make the volunteers stand out for those attending and other volunteers. We have many festival layouts available that will make creating these custom T-shirts easy! Using Easy View®, our free online design tool, you can approach the organizer with custom ideas already created to make ordering easy.
Another popular event in the summer in need of custom T-shirts is vacation bible school. Typically vacation bible school has a theme. Find out ahead of time what the theme is by checking out a church bulletin or the sign promoting it. This way you can use that theme to create custom ideas to make the volunteer running vacation bible school have an easy choice. This upcoming year a popular theme is Everest and we have a few ideas above created with Easy Prints® layouts. Get creative and play up this theme. We also have religious layouts that will help with your art choice.
Our plastisol transfers apply in just seconds with your heat press, making even last minute profits easy. So find the volunteer in charge of the church event and start heat printing.