Shirt Tags with Fun Sayings

Have you ever seen shirt tags with fun sayings on them?

All shirts have inside neck tag labels on them with important information about the apparel. In fact, shirt tags are a required item on all shirts. You cannot remove them without replacing them, per the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

In addition, shirt tags are required to have a few pieces of information on them at a minimum, but you can add as much as you want to the tag if you want to.

Some companies have a little fun with their shirt tags and add unexpected, fun sayings to the tags.

This little surprise can be a fun added experience for your customers.

First, we’ll show some examples of some good ones that we liked, and then we’ll offer some ways how you can implement this in your own shirt tags for your t-shirt business.


Fun Shirt Tag Examples

One of the ways we’ve seen companies add in some fun to their tags is through the “care instructions”.

While care instructions are not mandatory on shirt tags, it does add a bit of guidance on how to launder the garment, especially if it is made of materials that are not as common.

Care instructions are usually shown with the little icon images.

Each of them has a particular meaning, but they can be very confusing if you don’t know what they mean.

[Related Content: Laundry and Shirt Tag Designs Help Brand Your Shirts]

This brand decided to add a funny saying to their shirt tag under those mysterious icons by saying “Or give it to your mother. She knows how to do it.”


funny shirt tag laundry instructions


Ain’t that the truth! Mom always knows best!

Or, since laundering instructions are not necessary, you could have a little fun without all the icons and simplifying it like this tag: “Wash this when dirty”.


funny shirt tag


This brand decided to focus more on the “care instructions” of the person wearing the apparel, rather than the apparel itself.

They took the opportunity to use the space to inspire their customers:

Care Instructions

  1. Dance often
  2. Love those around you
  3. Brush your teeth
  4. Smile More
  5. Worry less
  6. Be like water


care instructions on shirt tag


Do you sell seasonal items? This company had some fun with their tags by making a parody tag.

Like the above example, these “care instructions” let you know how to have a great time at Christmas.

“Take it easy. Relax. Eat, drink and be merry. Do not diet. Smile.”

I also like how they made Christmas icons in the same style as the laundering icons, along with the 100% Christmas.


fun Christmas shirt tag


Note: If you decide to make an entire shirt tag like this for fun, you’ll still need a tag showing the actual make-up of the apparel, such as 100% cotton.

This next example of a shirt tag with a fun saying is a great example of how this brand used their shirt tag to solidify their branding with their target market.

As we’ve talked about before, picking a niche for your t-shirt brand is a good way to help market your t-shirt business.

[Related Content: How to Start a T-Shirt Business: Picking a Niche]

This company used terminology that their market would not only understand, but completely get a kick out of, as well.

“</tag>” is html code language that is normally used to close or end a certain area of code content. In this case, it is a funny way to say that it is the end of the tag content.


shirt tag with fun saying


Using Fun Sayings on Your Shirt Tags

So how can you use fun sayings in your own clothing brand neck tags?

Think about what your customers would find fun, clever, or get a laugh from.

Keep your tag in line with your brand.

Do you sell to a niche market? What terms or phrases resonate with them?

It doesn’t have to be just about laundering instructions either. Add some extra fun to your inside prints with inspiration, jokes, or motivation.



How to Create Your Own Shirt Tags with Fun Sayings

First of all, don’t worry. The examples above were all on sewn shirt tags, but we’re not talking about that type of tag here.

We’re talking about tagless shirt tag labels that are super easy to print on the insides of your shirts.

All you need is a heat press and screen printed transfers.

You can add all of your tags onto the same transfer gang sheet for the same price. If you are printing the front of your shirt, you can usually fit the shirt tags on the same sheet as your front print, making your shirt tags free.


transfer gang sheet with shirt tags


All you need to do, then, is cut your sheet images up and apply them with your shirt heat press just like you do for the front prints.

[Related Content: Brand Your T-Shirts with a Shirt Tag]

To make things even easier, you can use the Tag Along™ HP quick change platen to print your front prints and shirt tag labels at the same time.

So not only does it not cost you anything extra for the tag transfers, but you can also print them at the same time so it doesn’t take you any additional time as well. Win-win!


print your own shirt tags


Design Your Own Shirt Tags

Designing shirt tags with fun sayings on them is easy using the Easy View® online design center.

To use Easy View, all you need to do is sign up for an account, which is free. Easy View is always free to design. There are no subscriptions or art fees to use Easy View.

On top of that, there are shirt tag design layouts that you can use to customize to create your own.

Log into Easy View and then click on the blue “Add Layout” button in the top left corner.


add layout button in Easy View designer


Then click on Dealer Only at the top, and choose Shirt Tags.


shirt tag layouts in Easy View design center


Next, choose one you like and customize it as much or as little as you would like.

You can change the text, add extra text, change the clip art, add your own logo, change the colors, etc.

Here are a couple of examples on how you can customize your tags.

This first one has an inspirational phrase instead of the website.


This next example we added a funny saying that goes with the taco theme of the t-shirt brand the tag is being printed for.


funny shirt tag example




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