Stitch Witch Increases Exposure Through Radio Tradeouts
To be successful at marketing, frequent exposure is key. You want potential customers to become familiar enough with your company and name that when the need arises, you’ll be the first business that comes to mind.
This can be a challenge for small shops that have limited budgets and only so much time to be spent on getting their name out there. Megan Boos, owner of Stitch Witch, Fortuna, Calif., came up with a great solution that has resulted in four local radio stations talking about her company every single week.
As part of the trade-out deal, Boos creates a logoed cap for each station. Everyone is familiar with the many contests radios hold during the day to give away free merchandise. Typically, the DJ poses a question and a caller with the right answer wins the prize. Usually the call is recorded so everyone hears the answer and the interchange between the DJ and the listener.
When the cap is awarded, the DJ gives Stitch Witch approximately 30 seconds of free air time talking about the company and what it does as well as additional mentions throughout the week. So Boos gets weekly exposure to four different demographic audiences in her area for the price of four caps.
The DJs supply Boos with the name and address of the winners for her to mail out the caps, which also gives her new names to add to her marketing list when she sends out mailers or fliers.
Boos always includes a Stitch Witch flier that describes what the company does and contact information. “This provides the winner with an opportunity to call, ask questions, and hopefully place an order,” she says.
“Traditional advertising is expensive,” she notes. “The advantage of the barter system is that it allows me to get great exposure with very little money out of pocket.”
“I’ve been doing this for two years now. People come in and tell me they heard our spots on their radio station. I’ve found it’s been a great way to get my name out there and increase my recognition. Caps are inexpensive and easy to decorate so I’m getting good value for my time and material expenses.”

On the left, production assistant Dawn Allardice handles most of the transfer and lettering orders while Stitch Witch owner Megan Boos concentrates on the embroidery. Boos has negotiated tradeouts with four local radio stations, which give her shop great exposure at a basement bargain price.