Why Buy Screen Printed Transfers? You Get More for Less!
One of the best advantages to using screen printed transfers over direct screen prints is using price breaks and gang sheets to get more than you need for less money! Think about how often you have a customer that just needs one more shirt, or a player on a team that lost his shirt and needs it replaced. Transfers will make this a problem of the past and actually help you service your customer quickly and with a profit.
With the help of price breaks, you really do get more for less. When ordering custom transfers, we will tell you to order 15 if you need to print 12 shirts. If you buy just 12, they are $4.80 each = $57.60. But if you buy 15, they are $3.53 each = $52.95. So you saved about $5 by ordering more. Keep these in the storage box we send your order in, labeled with a description of what prints are inside. Our boxes have a blank label space to help keep you organized. Our team will always help you find these breaks. For example, you might need 200 prints for an upcoming event @ $1.24 each = $248, but our team will increase your order to 250 @ $.91 each = $227.50. You get 50 extra prints and saved $20.50!
Gang sheets will also give you the extra cushion for add-on orders. We will fill the sheet to economize the space. So if you have a print that is 4”x4” we can fit 6 prints on each sheet. To do 50 shirts, you need 8.3 sheets, but it is less to order 10 sheets giving you 10 extra prints!
Where else do you get more for less?