- Take inventory of all apparel, transfers, vinyl and any other items needed to run the business
- Take a look at what other apparel decorators are doing in social media and on their websites. Get inspired.
- Send my customers a holiday greeting thanking them for their business.
- Investigate Wix, WordPress, Shopify, etc. as options to start a basic web presence. If site exists, what updates can I make?
- Look into Constant Contact, Mailchimp or other email software and start sending my customers emails once a month – like clockwork!
- Look into tools like Hootsuite or Buffer so I can schedule my social media updates in advance.
- Order my new Idea Book from Transfer Express.
- Business area cleaned and organized. Containerize or purge as much as I can.
- Buy a shiny new planner and briefcase to carry my Marketing Kit and samples in. Keep these in the car at all times.
- Look at my sales numbers for this year. Determine if I’d like to increase next year. If so, make concrete goals and post them prominently in my work space.
- Watch YouTube videos, join a Udemy course, do a Lynda.com course or check out books to increase my business/Easy View/marketing knowledge for the new year.
- Subscribe to the Transfer Express blog and YouTube channel to stay up to date on application techniques, project ideas, gain marketing ideas and so on. There’s no cost and all of the materials are there to help me start and grow my business.
- Subscribe to an industry magazine or make plans to attend a trade show.
- Schedule a “me” day. No kids. No spouse. No obligations. Recharge my batteries to take on 2018!
- Get an accountability partner. Make plans to meet them for coffee or lunch once and month and see where we each are on our goals.
- All receipts and tax documents gathered up in a folder
- All tax information entered into accounting software (if applicable)
- If upgrading or purchasing new equipment, do it before the end of the year for tax purposes
- Donate unused items to charity. I get a tax write off and they get the items. Win, win!
- Start asking friends who they use and like for an accountant.