Creating Custom Halloween Transfers
In a previous blog we introduced our new Extreme Halloween stock prints and showed you how to customize with name drops. There were five different design choices, all in full color, but sometimes your customer wants something that is all their own, and Easy View™ can help you create a print to meet their needs.

By using the Halloween clip art and your own text, you can customize any of the Easy Prints® layouts.
Don’t limit yourself to just the Holiday section-any of the thousands of professionally created layouts can be customized for Halloween with the use of clip art and your choice of text. In the examples, we used layouts from the Alternative Fashion, Anywear, Basketball and Holiday sections, just using holiday clip art and text to fit the event. Be creative with your text using fun phrases your customer might like.
Is your customer looking for a print for a children’s Halloween party? Order a one color print, press on a white shirt and provide fabric markers to use as the party craft. One customer told me they just provided washable markers and the kids were thrilled that when washed the coloring was removed and they could start all over again!