Easy View Q and A: Custom Clip Art
Easy View®, the online t-shirt transfer designer, is fast and easy to use. It is filled with over 5,000 layouts for you to customize, using over 10,000 clip art and over 150 fonts.
It makes you look and feel like a designer, when, well… you may not be.
Which is great!
But what happens when you want to use your own piece of clip art, say, for a company or school logo?
That is what’s cool about Easy View.
You can do that, too!
For this Question and Answer session about Easy View, we are going to cover the topic on how to use your own clip art in the online designer.
The following are some of the questions and/or suggestions we see more regularly, so we thought we would explain it in more detail.
Question: Are we able to add outside clip art and integrate it into Easy View designs?
Answer: When you are working with schools, companies, organizations, and sports teams, most of the time, they will already have their own specific logo.
As you probably know, they will want to use their logo on their custom-made shirts.
And that makes total sense.
So how do you go about using their logo?
The answer is yes, you can add your own outside clip art and the solution is called a Custom Clip Art (CCA).
You can provide us with your own piece of clip art or logo and request it as a CCA. If you have already used the piece of art in another custom transfer order, the cost is only $15 to create the CCA order.
If this is a new piece of art that you have not used in transfers previously, the CCA order is $60.
The benefit of the CCA is it is saved in your own library within Easy View for you to use at any time. It is only available to you and no one else can use it or even see it.
Another advantage is that even though it is custom, once it is a CCA, you can add it into any Easy Prints® layout and still get Easy Prints pricing.
Question: It’s easy to upload my artwork, but I find it time consuming when I upload the same design element repeatedly. If I upload a mascot for a track shirt, I don’t want to have to reload it again when I do baseball designs for the school. Is it possible to have a “my elements” section or something?
Answer: It’s your lucky day, because you can! This is the Custom Clip Art program (CCA).
And this is exactly what the CCA program is designed for.
If you are going to use your own piece of clip art over and over, and want to add it into Easy Prints layouts, the CCA program is the most cost-effective and easiest way to do it.
Let us know which piece of clip art you would like saved, and it becomes your own personal Custom Clip Art that is saved within your own Custom Clip Art library in Easy View.
When the CCA order is complete, your CCA will be available for you to use in Easy View, located in your Custom Clip Art area.
It is accessible from the clip art window, or the “Add Clip Art” option in the designer.
Question: I need more mascots. I work with our local schools and our mascot is not one of your clip art. (Ex. we use the same mascot as Georgia Tech)
Answer: When it comes to mascots, we try to cover a wide variety. We have lots of mascots in a general manner, but do not have licensed logos available. This is an example of our own original clip art:

Example of Transfer Express hornet/yellow jacket clip art available.
It would also be impossible to have every mascot, especially in the exact form or depiction of every school and team.
In the example given above, the mascot referred to is a distinct depiction of a yellow jacket. If you need an exact logo like this, we recommend ordering a “Custom Clip Art”.

Image source: Wikipedia
When your clip art is saved as a Custom Clip Art (CCA), you are able to use it over and over again within Easy Prints layouts at Easy Prints pricing.
The clip art is only available to you, saved in your own library.
So you still have the Easy Prints layouts available to use, but instead of inserting a generic hornet mascot that is not the exact logo, you can now customize each layout with your exact school logo.
Question: Can you make different mascots, especially more school mascots?
Answer: In the example above, we covered how to get a Custom Clip Art made if you need very specific school mascot logos.
However, if you are not looking for a specific logo, and just need some more generic mascots that we don’t already have, just let us know!
We always welcome new clip art suggestions.
You can send your specific clip art suggestion via our website contact page.
We do our best to add the art suggestions to our clip art release calendar. Each Tuesday, we release new clip art and layouts, usually in a specific theme for each week.
All the new releases are always published on our blog and are readily available on our site and in Easy View.
[Related Content: New Team Mascots Clip Art for Custom T-Shirt Design]
Question: What is the cost of a Custom Clip Art and how long does it take before I can use it?
Answer: There are two ways that a Custom Clip Art can be ordered: as an Indirect CCA or a Direct CCA.
If you have previously used the artwork in another transfer order, then the cost is $15, also known as an Indirect CCA order. Just give us the order number with a description of the piece of art that you would like saved.
On the other hand, if you have not used the piece of art before, the cost is $60 to save your piece of custom artwork, and we call this a Direct CCA order.
The turnaround time for Custom Clip Art is one day, when ordered by 3 pm ET. So if you place your CCA order before 3 pm ET, your Custom Clip Art will be available in your Easy View library the next day.
These orders are treated like any other order. You will get an order confirmation email and also an email when it is completed and ready for you to use.
Get your own Custom Clip Art!
If you have already used the art in an order, send us a message and let us know what the order number is and which piece of art you want saved.
If you haven’t used the art in an order yet, you can upload it here.