Give a Little to Get a Lot with Your Custom Apparel Products
Why do you get into the t-shirt business? To make a profit, of course! Sometimes a great way to gain more customers and make a higher line of profit is to sell some of your decorated apparel items at a discounted rate, or even give a few things away for free!

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A great opportunity to do this is to get involved with your community. You can offer discounts on your t-shirts for a good cause, such as a walk for a cure or a cooking fundraiser. For small events, you can even donate a few shirts. When offering a large discount or free t-shirts, let your customer know that with the discount you will be placing an advertisement for your company on the shirt. If your company has a logo, be sure to add this as well as a phone number to the shirt, if you do not have a logo, at least provide your company name and contact information on the shirt. You will also gain great publicity through any media source that broadcasts the event, televising your company information. Keep in mind that your company’s information is not the focus of the shirt; your customer will not want to come back to you if all that you provide them is an advertisement for yourself. A good place for your company information is a small spot on the sleeve of the shirt.

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Even if you’re donating a decorated apparel product or selling it at a discounted rate, it is very important to treat your customer as well as you would treat a high paying customer. Word of mouth is extremely important, if you have a good attitude and an exceptional apparel product, customers will refer you to their friends and return to you in the future.
Another great opportunity to give a little and gain a lot is by sending prospective customers samples of the decorated apparel items that you can offer them. Send a sample to the head football coach at your local High School, to the local t-ball coaches, or even to local businesses. Send them a t-shirt, at a wearable size, along with a Black & White Idea Book™ (this allows them to see samples of what you have to offer them), and your company’s information. This is really easy to do with a sports team. Use Express Names™ to add ‘COACH’ to the back of the shirt and Easy Prints® Numbers to add ‘01’ underneath. You now have a great sample to provide to any coach!

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Want a few more ideas? We’re happy to help! Do you have a family member with a birthday coming up? Use one of our Easy Prints® layouts to create a great celebration design for the birthday boy or girl, customize the t-shirt with their name and age! You can provide t-shirts with the same design, without the name and age, for the party guests. If it’s okay with the birthday boy/girl’s parents, provide a flyer in the gift bags to provide more information about your company. Another great opportunity presents itself if you have any family members that participate in sports. Make matching t-shirts for the team to wear after the game. Don’t forget about their parents! Designs can be customized for parents too! Always provide your contact information when giving discounted or complimentary items! If you’re helping a customer out with a discount there is a good chance that they will want to help you out too, by coming back to you again in the future and possibly even giving you a few referrals.
For more ideas on different events where you can offer samples and discounts, check out our Easy Prints® Pinterest page!