Heat Printing Ideas for Patriotic Sales

Happy Independence Day!   In a few weeks we will help celebrate our country’s birth. Picnics, parades and fireworks are all being planned.

As a t-shirt business in your area, help your community show its own patriotic spirit. We have a number of heat printing ideas to help create patriotic sales.

1.   Flags – We have 2” x 3” American flag transfers in red, navy and white to apply to any color shirt. These are perfect add-ons to all of your shirt sales this time of year. Add them to the sleeve, or on the upper back area for a trendy look.

screen printed American flag transfer

Screen printed American flag transfers are a perfect add on for patriotic spirit.

2.  Patriotic Extreme Transfers – We have a full line of patriotic t-shirt transfers in stock and ready to ship. These full color prints are the perfect last minute sale. Apply them to any color! Consider ordering name drops with your community name to personalize them!

Transfer Design USA-1

Full color stock screen printed transfer design USA-1

3.  Easy Prints® layouts and art – If your customer is looking for a custom printed shirt, don’t stress about the art. We have thousands of custom transfer layouts that can be used for any event. Use our 4th of July custom shirt layouts or use patriotic clip art in any layout you like. Some of the clip art we have for your use include fireworks, a firecracker, the statue of liberty, flags and stars!

layout QEV-95 customized

Customize any Easy Prints® layout for 4th of July events!

4.  Rhinestone Transfers – Use these alone or add them to one of the Rhinestone Ready transfer layouts. Our American rhinestone transfer has several flags, a patriotic heart and star sweep all on one sheet, which will decorate several shirts!

RS-26 flag rhinestones

RS-26 – flag and star rhinestone designs


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Hello, do you have patriotic HTV?

Dealer Services

We offer custom transfers and you can use our patriotic patterns. If you specifically want HTV we have that at our sister company, http://www.stahls.com


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