Starting A Custom Transfer Order with Easy View
You asked for it, and we are delivering! During the month of March we are going to break down our new Easy View® online designer with a series of blog posts instructing you on how to do anything you could possibly want to do and answering some of the most popular questions along the way. So join us here on our blog every Monday through Thursday in the month of March to learn the in’s and out’s of the new and improved Easy View!
So, have you seen our new and improved Easy View online designer? Because the feedback from our Dealers has been nothing short of rave reviews! Imagine an online design tool in which you have the freedom to set up your own gang sheet using thousands of pre-made layouts, thousands of pieces of professionally made clip art, and over 100 fonts! Or maybe you don’t want to start with a pre-made layout… maybe you want to type the text and choose the shapes yourself. The new Easy View gives you all that freedom with an easy-to-use interface!
But perhaps the first question we should address is, “Where do I start?” There are two ways to start your order on Easy View. First and foremost, before you can do anything with Easy View, you need to log in to using your Dealer ID number or email address and password. Your Dealer ID can be found on one of your invoices, packing slips, or can be given to you over the phone by contacting our Dealer Services staff.

The quickest way to access Easy View is to use this button found at the bottom right of our main homepage as one of the rotating graphics.
Once you’ve logged in you can choose to scroll down, right on our main homepage, and click the banner on the bottom right that reads “TRY OUR BETA EASY VIEW”. Clicking here will take you straight to Easy View. A small window will pop up offering to let you start with a layout or clip art, resume your last session where you left off, start from scratch (ie: a blank screen, putting it all together yourself), or you can choose to start with a design you previously made and saved in your library. If after choosing one of these options you change your mind and want to start with something else, you can easily start a new session by clicking the “Start a New Job” button at the top left.

The “Getting Started Window” offers a few different ways to start your order, including the ability to start with a design you previously made and saved!
Or maybe you need a little help with an idea. You can’t really start because you’re not totally sure what you’re doing in terms of a design. After logging in move your mouse over the red toolbar at the top of the screen where it says “VIEW LAYOUTS & CLIP ART” and click the Layouts button. You’ll find a whole list of topics – find the topic you’re designing shirts for the the closest you can find. When you click the category, you’ll find a breakdown of all those layouts that pertain. When you locate a layout that strikes your artist fancy and gets the ideas flowing, simply click the layout. A window will ask you if you want to use our new beta Easy View or classic Easy View. Choose the left option for beta Easy View and let loose with your creativity!