Using Custom Glitter Transfers

Glitter Screen Printed transfers and Glitter Flake Letters can be used to create fashionable custom apparel designs. Layouts shown: QAL-470 & QFB-60
When selling to cheer and dance teams or groups that just like to add a little more fashion to their custom apparel designs; glitter transfers are a great way to customize your apparel!
There are two options for adding glitter to your custom designs; Glitter Screen Printed transfers and Glitter Flake letter transfers. The Glitter Screen Printed transfers can be used on the custom transfer designs that you create in the Easy View designer, or even custom artwork that you create and send to us. The Glitter Flake letters can be used to customize your designs with names. You can create names in the Easy View designer as well, and order them in the Glitter Screen Printed transfer option.
The colors for both of these transfer options are very similar. Both options offer a similar red, pink, royal, silver, and gold as color options.
If you haven’t tried glitter transfers yet, request glitter transfer samples here.