Artwork Ideas for Back-To-School Apparel

Design ideas for Back-to-School Apparel

Back-to-School is a time for new beginnings and a new group of kids of all ages getting their new school clothes. School bookstores are stocking up on this year’s new clothing styles and designs as well as the classic designs adored by the students and faculty. Whether the designs are old school or trendy, you have the ability to create an unlimited amount of possibilities using layout templates for back-to-school apparel. By using Easy Prints® layouts and clip art, you can create both the classic and trendy designs that the students will love.

Doing business with a local school means you’ll not only customize their standard spirit wear, but also the students extra-curricular activities and clubs also are potential sales. Every school has student and teacher run clubs and organizations like Spanish Club, Debate Club, School Newspaper, Shop, Yearbook and Student Council, just to name a few. And of course don’t forget decorating for events like Homecoming, Powder Puff, Science Fairs, Fundraising Drives and more.

You’ll be amazed at the different clubs that will request custom shirts for their members. And you have Easy View™ at your disposal to create professional artwork for apparel for these groups.

Here are some of our favorite designs that you can get ideas from to help you create amazing t-shirt artwork!
