Getting Trendy Heat Printing Billboard Shirts
Have you taken part in one of the biggest recent trends, billboard prints? This video can help you get started!
Billboard prints also goes by the name of oversized, shoulder, and pom pom prints. Using heat applied, screen printed transfers is a great, easy, way to add this trend to your custom apparel offerings! Learn how:
Creating Your Billboard Print in Easy View
1-Log-in to Easy View®, our online design tool.
2-Select “Choose Idea Book Layouts.”
3- The billboard prints are under “Dealers Only” and “Shoulder Prints.”
4-Choose the layout that you would like to use. The billboard print layouts are layouts QSH-1 through QSH-4.
5-Follow the instructions below the customizable billboard print text.
6-Do not add additional images to these sheets. Our designers will have to break the image down so that your full billboard print transfer fits on one screen printed transfer sheet.
7-Type the desired width and height of your billboard print in the note section.
8-Make modifications and order the transfer as you usually would. If you are new to Easy View, there are several video tutorials that can help you customize your design.
Applying Your Screen Printed Billboard Print
The video at the beginning will show you the step-by-step process of heat applying your billboard print screen printed transfer to your garment. Here is a break-down:
1-Cut your transfer from the transfer sheet and put aside for application. Cutting notches into your transfer, like shown below, will help for easier alignment on the garment.

When cutting your billboard print from the full transfer sheet, add notches to the sides of the letters that will meet in the middle. These notches are a guide to ensure perfect alignment.
2-Place your garment on the platen with shoulder-to-shoulder on the long side of the platen. It is a good idea to put your platen size into consideration before heat applying your billboard print. If you have a 16”x20” platen, a 19” billboard print will fit perfectly on the 20” side of the platen, allowing a one-step heat pressing application.
3-Pre-press your garment. Pre-pressing your garment for 4 seconds at the temperature that you will heat apply at helps to release wrinkles and moisture, ensuring a better application.
4-Place the transfer where you would like it heat applied to the billboard print. Make sure that the transfer is face down on the garment so that it heat applies to the garment and not to the heat press.
5-Follow the specifications for the specific transfer type that you ordered when heat pressing. In the video above, we used Goof Proof® transfers, which heat apply at 365 degrees for 4 seconds, and can be peeled hot.
6-Peel your transfer backing to reveal your finished billboard print shirt. Peel at the specifications given. If using Goof Proof transfers, you can peel the backing as soon as you are done heat pressing!
The video at the very top gives a full run-through of heat applying your custom transfers. Use it when you’re ready to add this trend to your custom apparel shop!
More resources: Use Custom Transfers to Print Oversized Shoulder Prints
Where to find blank apparel for billboard shirts: Pennant Sportswear & Boxercraft