Tips for Selling Custom Apparel to Church Groups

There are often many events that are held by churches and church groups that can use custom apparel; we’re going to focus on four.

Layout: QRE-82

T-shirt design with cross and footprints for church volunteers using layout QRE-82

1) Volunteers & Mission Groups: Many churches have members that participate in active volunteer work or mission trips. By wearing matching t-shirts they can show that they are united for a cause. They can wear a religion t-shirt with information specific to their cause or there can be a single design that is used for all volunteer and mission t-shirts with the church’s name on it. It could say something on the lines of “Church of God, leaving our mark.” This can even be accompanied by an image of footprints, such as clip art X17A-846.

2) Fundraisers: Often, fundraisers are held to raise funds for mission trips and charities. T-shirts can be used in two different ways for fundraisers; for those running the fundraiser to wear and as a piece to sell at the fundraiser. Common church fundraisers include baked goods and crafts; t-shirts can be a great addition to these or any other services or products being sold to raise funds.

Church festival layouts: QAL-45 & QEV-60

Church festival t-shirts with plain words and fireworks using layouts QAL-45 & QEV-60

3) Holidays & Festivals: T-shirts can be created for church holiday celebrations and festivals. If there is a raffle or a Chinese auction, t-shirts can be one of the prizes. These can work great for fundraisers too! The congregation can wear these matching t-shirts to show that they are proud to be part of the church while showing that they were at the holiday event or festival.

Bible school & youth group layouts: QRE-66 & QRE-42

Church t-shirt designs for youth groups and bible schools with a cross and fish using layouts QRE-66 & QRE-42

4) Bible School & Youth Groups: Churches often hold Bible School for children at the same time as church service. The church can provide t-shirts to these children for different topics that they will cover in class or even a general Bible School t-shirt. The same can be done for youth groups. There can be a general youth group t-shirt or different t-shirts for the activities that they take part in.

There are many events at churches that could use custom t-shirts. Ask local churches if they need t-shirts for mission trips, church camps, religious school programs, holiday events, fundraisers, confirmation classes, volunteer groups, Sunday school, or even daycare.

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