Getting Trendy with Easy Prints

Trendy apparel items are easy to make with the Easy Prints® layouts and clip art!  Create transfers using popular sayings, common looks, and designs that will remind your customers of something that is currently in style.

Layout: QAL-64

Layout: QAL-64


Nerd Proud (QAL-64)

Nerd is in right now and this transfer design is a great way to let your customers show that they are a nerd and proud of it.

To create this design, start with Easy Prints® layout QAL-64. Change “Compton” to ‘Nerd’ and “Eagles” to ‘Proud.’ Omit clip art X17A-198.  Replace clip art X17A-63 (the leaves) with X17A-140 (the atom).  Replace clip art X2B-1 (the eagle head) with X19A-1 (filled-in circle) and add a note to your order that you would like the circle clip art small enough that it almost fits inside the two lines in the middle of the atom.


Layout: QAL-141

Layout: QAL-141


That’s What the Fox Said (QAL-141)

A lot of people have been asking what the fox says lately, with this design you can finally answer; that’s what the fox said.  This design can even tie in with the popular, ‘that’s what she said’ saying, with ‘she’ being the fox.

When creating this design, start with Easy Prints® layout QAL-141.  Omit the top and bottom lines of text, only leaving the two text lines in the middle.  Change “HEIGHTS” to ‘That’s’ and “CITY SCHOOLS” to ‘What I Said.’ Note that only the first letter of each word is capitalized.  Replace clip art X2B-1 (eagle head) with X2M-48 (fox).  Also note that the image of the fox is mirrored, putting  its head on the same side as the words.


Layout: QAL-4

Layout: QAL-4


Team 1, Team 2 (QAL-4)

You can turn the popular Thing 1 and Thing 2 into a sports competition theme (TEAM 1), a family reunion theme (SMITH 1, COUSIN 2), or even a vacation apparel choice (DAY 1).

You can create this design using Easy Prints® layout QAL-4.  First, change “COMPTON” to ‘TEAM’ and “EAGLES” to ‘1,’ changing the font of both to Comic Sans.  Note that you would like clip art X19A-2 (circle) behind the whole thing so that TEAM 1 is inside of the circle.  Also, add to the notes that you would like ‘1’ to be a decent size for the inside of the circle and that adjustments can be made to the size if needed.


Layout: QFB-52

Layout: QFB-52

Eat, Sleep, Cheer (QFB-52)

Eat, Sleep, and Your Activity is popular with sports teams.  It’s also really easy to make!  Depending on the layout that you choose to modify, you can simply add your activity or switch out clip art and words to make it fit your needs.

For this design, you can use the same layout used in the example, QFB-52, or use layout QLS-37, which already uses eat, sleep, and your activity.  When using layout QFB-52, remove the 4th line down (“HEART”) and the box next to it.  Note that the bottom sentence “This is COMPTON FOOTBALL” will need to be moved up to make up for the blank space.  Replace the clip art: X15H-35 (football player) is replaced with X4C-3 (silverware), clip art X15V-14 (lifting weight) changes to X17A-918 (sleeping), and X17A-92 (trophy) is replaced by X15E-35 (cheerleader).  Change the words: “HUSTLE” changes to ‘EAT,’ “SWEAT” turns to ‘SLEEP,’ and “DESIRE” is replaced with ‘CHEER.’ Change the last sentence (“This is COMPTON FOOTBALL”) to ‘We are CHEERLEADERS.’

Layout: QYT-5

Layout: QYT-5


Soft Kitty (QYT-5)

A lot of people are fans of soft and warm kitties, and recently they have been made even more popular through television show references.  This custom transfer t-shirt design will allow your customers to show that they are fans of soft kitties too!

This design can easily be created using layout QYT-5.  In this layout, change “COMPTON” to ‘SOFT’ and “DAY CARE” to ‘KITTY.’ Once the text has been changed, change the clip art.  This layout uses clip art X17A-120 (hands) in four different spots.  Change the larger clip art at the very bottom to clip art X2C-87 (kitty), the smaller clip art images at the top-right and bottom-left to clip art X2C-70 (two paw prints), and the medium sized clip art at the top-left to X2C-69 (paw print).


Do you have a trendy saying that you want to incorporate with your custom apparel transfer designs?  There’s a good chance that you can create them with Easy Prints®!  Use these designs the same way shown or use them as inspiration to make your own!

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