New Glitter Screen Printed Ink Colors!
We have had great feedback telling us how much you love custom screen printed glitter transfers! To give you the opportunity to offer your customers even more variety with custom glitter apparel, we are now offering four new glitter colors, making ten available screen printed glitter color options for your custom heat transfer designs!
With the additional colors, the screen printed glitter transfers now include gold, silver, red, blue, green, pink, orange, navy, purple, and onyx black. Glitter transfers can help your customers get a stylish look for their apparel. We can create your custom glitter transfers from your own art or from designs that you customize in the Easy View® online design tool, which contains 5,000+ customizable Easy Prints® layouts. When in Easy View, change your transfer type to Glitter. Once Glitter is selected, you can customize your design with any glitter color. You can even use multiple colors in your design; any of the ten previously listed glitter colors can be used in your custom glitter design.
Glitter transfers are perfect for custom dance, cheer, and spirit wear apparel. A recent blog post, Offering Glitter Transfers to Other Markets, gives even more ideas for groups that love custom glitter apparel, such as sports fans and excursion venues.
We’d love to see what you create by customizing apparel with glitter transfers; don’t forget to share your custom creations with us on our Facebook page!
We’re excited to see what you create!