Screen Printed Transfers on Mesh Jerseys
Now that spring sports are around the corner mesh fabrics come in to play for practice jerseys and uniforms. Custom screen printed transfers can be used as a way to decorate mesh fabrics when being applied correctly. Screen printed transfers will only be successfully applied to cotton, polyester or a cotton/poly blend. Since mesh fabric consists of holes there are a few things to consider. The first being the ink covering the holes will punch through, either when it is initially pressed or during the washing process. If your customer would like complete coverage over the holes consider using Transfer Express’ full color transfers, Stretch Litho™.
When applying to mesh practice jerseys that are reversible something needs to be placed in between the two fabrics such as Kraft paper to prevent the two sides from sticking to one another. You can also thread one side of the jersey on the press so that the other side doesn’t get printed. (Close up view of pressed transfer)
To have more of a chance that all of the holes will punch through on the first press we suggest placing a sheet of Pellon under the fabric. This will allow the ink to stick to the Pellon and be easily pulled away through the holes. The faster you pull the fabric away from the Pellon the more likely the ink will be pulled away from the holes. By waiting a few seconds before peeling the transfer paper away the more likely some of the holes may not punch through. Remember though the ink will eventually release from the holes during the washing process.